Mar 25, 2020
Caring for our Healthcare Workers, First Responders and Each Other
A Letter from Gravity's CEO, Mike Grillo
There's not much to say about the COVID-19 pandemic that hasn't already been said. There's the health impact. The economic impact. The MENTAL health impact. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to share a message with you all, while talking about the small role Gravity is hoping to play in our global recovery.
Quarantine and isolation can be extremely difficult, particularly for our fellow New Yorkers. New York City is not a city where apartments are designed to be lived in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In fact, half of all NYC apartments are under 700 square feet. As an extreme extrovert who's been in relative isolation for the last 14 days after a suspected COVID-19 case, I can tell you that cabin fever // isolation-induced anxiety is REAL.
Additionally, the mental and physical toll being taken on medical professionals and first responders is profound and worse than we expected.
As a product designed to improve physical and mental wellbeing, Gravity has the opportunity to play a role in the aid and recovery of our mentally strained society. That's why we've added medical professionals and first responders to our ID.me discount program. ID.me is a verification platform at checkout that gives veterans, and now medical professionals and first responders, exclusive 20% off all Gravity Products.
For our general customers, we'll be extending our 15% off "Work from Home" sale through the rest of this month, and have been active on our SMS platform to offer words of encouragement and advice to anyone feeling lonely during this time. DON'T HESITATE to text us if you need someone to chat with text “Gravity” to +13477085977. We'll also have a leading anxiety coach on call to answer questions throughout the course of the month.
I wish we could do more. I wish we could give free products away to any medical professional who wants one. Unfortunately, we can't -- we're still a small business being hit by the economic downturn just like many others. But we're doing our part, and we hope it helps, even just a little.
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