Feb 27, 2023
How Much Sleep Do You Need By Age?
Sleep is essential for our health and well-being. Getting enough sleep each night is important, but how much sleep do you need by age?
Let's explore how much sleep is recommended for different age groups and why getting enough restful sleep every night is essential. We'll also look at tips on ensuring you're getting the right amount of shut-eye each night and making your sleep environment conducive for restful sleep.
Newborn: 0 to 3 Months
When babies are born, they need 14 to 17 hours of sleep each day. This includes naps and nighttime sleep. During the first few months of life, babies should sleep about 16 hours out of every 24 hours. Newborns need to get enough sleep because it helps them grow and develop properly.
Newborns typically take short naps throughout the day, usually lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours at a time. However, they mayhave long stretches of sleep at night that last up to five or six hours. As newborns get older, their daytime naps will become more regular, and their nighttime sleep will become longer and more consolidated. Just be sure you follow the American Academy of Pediatrics' safe sleep recommendations to ensure your baby sleeps safely.
Getting enough sleep is essential for newborns as it helps them grow and develop properly. Parents should create a consistent bedtime routine that includes activities like giving their baby a warm bath, reading them stories or playing calming music before putting them down in their crib or bassinet. Doing this will help ensure your baby gets the restful sleep they need each night.
Get Cozy with a Knitted Weighted BlanketInfant: 4 to 12 Months
Infants between the ages of 4 and 12 months need an average of 12 to 15 hours of sleep per day. This includes naps during the day, as well as nighttime sleep. Infants need to get enough sleep because it helps them develop mentally and physically. During this stage, babies learn to control their emotions, build relationships with others and explore their environment. Sleep is essential for helping them process all these new experiences.
When it comes to getting enough sleep, consistency is vital. Establishing a regular bedtime routine can help your infant learn when it's time to go to bed and stay asleep longer at night. During the day, try to keep nap times consistent so your baby has a predictable schedule they can rely on.
Toddler: 1 to 2 Years
Regarding toddlers, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommend that children aged 1-2 get 11-14 hours of sleep daily. This should include both nighttime sleep and daytime naps.
Toddlers need to get enough sleep as it helps them grow and develop physically, mentally and emotionally. During this stage in life, toddlers learn new skills such as walking, talking and potty training. Therefore, they need plenty of rest to help their brains process all the new information they are taking in.
Toddlers can have up to two naps a day that last between one to two hours each. The first nap usually occurs mid-morning, while the second one happens mid-afternoon. By 18 months, most drop down to one nap. Bedtime should be between 6 and 8 p.m., depending on your toddler's needs and schedule.
Creating a consistent routine can help your toddler relax before bedtime so they can drift off into a peaceful slumber more easily. This could involve reading stories together, singing lullabies or giving them a warm bath before tucking them into bed with their favorite stuffed animal or blanket.
Preschool: 3 to 5 Years
Preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 5 need an average of 10 to 13 hours of sleep per day. This can include naps during the day, but it's not required for all children in this age range.
If you choose to let your little one nap during the day, make sure they are getting enough restful sleep at night as well. You should even keep track of how long they nap and when they're taking them so you can make sure they don't start relying on sleeping during the day instead of nighttime.
Establishing a consistent bedtime routine for your preschooler is important for helping them develop healthy sleeping habits. It should include calming activities that help signal to their brain that it's time to go to sleep, such as reading together or taking baths before bedtime. Allowing your child some quiet time before attempting to sleep will also help them wind down after a busy day of exploring, playing and learning new things.
Elementary School Age: 6 to 12 Years
As children enter school age (6 to 12 years old), the amount of sleep they need decreases. According to the National Sleep Foundation, most school-aged children should get nine to 11 hours of sleep each night.
School-aged kids need to get enough rest as it helps them concentrate and learn better at school, maintain their physical health and build a sense of emotional well-being. Adequate sleep is also necessary for their bodies to grow properly.
If your child is having trouble sleeping through the night due to nightmares or anxiety, consider talking with them about their fears during the day and providing ways for them to cope or relax before bedtime, such as breathing exercises or meditations. This may seem a little advanced for young children, but a study from Stanford confirmed that taking four deep breaths can help kids calm down.
Teen: 13 to 18 Years
During the teen years of 13 to 18, it is recommended that eight to 10 hours of sleep be obtained each night. This means that teens should be in bed by 10 p.m. if they are to wake up around 6 or 7 a.m. for school. This can be challenging, as studies show teens are not biologically programmed to wake up so early and would benefit from later school start times.
Nevertheless, teens need to get enough sleep because it helps them stay alert and focused during the day, boosts their immune system and protects against future health problems. In addition, proper sleep will help teens maintain a healthy weight, improve their mood and reduce stress levels.
It is wise to establish a consistent sleep schedule for teens, even on weekends and holidays, to ensure that they are getting enough rest. Keeping the same bedtime each night will help their body adjust better to a regular sleeping pattern. Setting limits on how much time they spend using technology before bed may also be helpful, as the light from screens can disrupt how quickly teens fall asleep.
Young Adult: 18 to 25 Years
Adults aged 18 to 25 should sleep seven to nine hours each night. This means they should go to bed between 10 p.m. and midnight if they wake up around 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. Getting enough restful sleep is important for young adults for many reasons, such as helping them stay alert during the day, regulating their emotions better, boosting their immune system and maintaining a healthy weight.
In some cases, young adults may need more or less sleep than the recommended amount, depending on their job or lifestyle. For example, if they work an overnight shift or have early morning classes, they may require more sleep compared to someone with a regular 9-5 job who has more time for breaks during the day. However, young adults should try to ensure they get enough rest regardless of their circumstances to stay healthy in both body and mind.
Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help young adults develop good sleeping patterns, serving them well into adulthood. This can include a half hour of winding down with a book, snuggling up in a weighted robe to promote relaxation, turning off all devices an hour before bed and dimming lights in the bedroom.
Adult: 26 to 64 Years
As adults, getting enough sleep is important to maintain physical and mental health. According to the CDC, adults between 26 and 64 need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night. This is the same amount of sleep as young adults, but there are some differences in how this age group should approach their sleep.
For starters, adults should aim for a consistent bedtime and waketime each day. This helps your body establish a healthy circadian rhythm that will help you fall asleep more easily at night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. Adults should avoid caffeine late in the day and alcohol before bedtime, as these can interfere with your ability to get quality rest.
Adults need to be aware that certain medications can affect their sleep patterns, so talking with your doctor about any potential side effects or interactions with other medications you're taking may be beneficial. Additionally, if you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night, it may be helpful to pursue natural remedies such as taking non-habit-forming sleep aids like melatonin or using a weighted blanket. Before trying new supplements, it's a good idea to consult your doctor to ensure they are safe and effective for your situation.
Older Adult: 61+ Years
As we age, our sleep needs change. The recommended amount of sleep for adults aged 61 and older is seven to eight hours per night. This is slightly less than the seven to nine hours recommended for adults between 26 and 64 years old, but still important for maintaining physical and mental health.
Older adults should remember that how they approach their sleep can be just as important as how much sleep they get. And getting enough sleep is vital for all ages, especially aging adults. During sleep, our bodies repair tissues, synthesize hormones and strengthen our immune systems. Poor sleep can weaken the immune system, making older adults more vulnerable to illness or injury. It can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease as well.
Exercising regularly during the day can help seniors get better quality sleep at night by reducing stress levels and helping them feel more relaxed when they go to bed. Finally, creating a comfortable sleeping environment by keeping bedrooms cool and dark can help you drift off into a deep slumber more easily. If light is an issue, try using a sleep mask to block out the light. If noise from neighbors or the street is a problem, a white noise machine can help to create a more calming atmosphere.
Other Factors That Affect Sleep Needs
Activity Levels
Physical activity plays an important role in how much sleep we need. Physically active people tend to require less sleep than more sedentary people. This is because physical activity helps regulate our body's circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleeping and waking cycles. However, if you have performed incredibly strenuous activity — like a marathon or hiking expedition — you may need more sleep to allow your body to recover and repair itself.
Quality of Sleep
The quality of your sleep affects how much rest you need. Poor quality sleep can make you feel tired during the day, even if you have gotten enough restful sleep the night before. Creating a comfortable environment free from distractions such as noise or light pollution is important to ensure good quality restful sleep. Cozying up with your favorite knitted weighted blanket, having a supportive pillow and ensuring your mattress meets your sleep style are a few simple ways to enhance your sleep quality.
Pregnant women often require more rest than usual due to their changing hormones and increased physical demands on their bodies during this period. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women get between eight to 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to ensure they are getting enough rest for themselves and their growing baby. Some may even need to supplement with naps later in pregnancy as the demands on their bodies increase.
Health and Medical Conditions
Certain health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, can affect how much rest you need each night and the quality of your slumber overall. If you suffer from chronic illnesses, speaking with your doctor about what kind of sleeping habits would be best for managing your condition so you can get the most out of your night's rest is important.
Am I Getting Enough Sleep?
If you're wondering if you're getting enough restful sleep, here are five questions to ask yourself:
- Do I feel fatigued when I wake up in the morning?
- Do I have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep?
- Do I feel tired during the day, even after a full night's sleep?
- Do I rely on caffeine or other stimulants to stay awake during the day?
- Am I having difficulty concentrating or remembering things?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to look closely at your sleeping habits. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, avoiding screens before bedtime and creating a relaxing nighttime routine. With some effort and dedication, you can ensure you're getting enough restful sleep each night.
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