Mar 10, 2020
Spring Forward into Sweet Dreams
These tips and tricks will eliminate difficulty sleeping due to Daylight Savings.
It's that time of the year again, the night when we spin the clocks forward (read: our digital devices automatically update themselves like some sort of magic), enjoy the sunset as it sneaks past 6:30 p.m., and prepare for the coming spring and summer nights. That's right: You made it to March 8, and Daylight Savings is here again. Hooray! Hoorah! The sun will come out and stay out.
But real talk: While days are getting longer, your sleep cycles remain as vital as ever. And Daylight Savings can mess with your circadian rhythm, making it hard to sleep. (It’s even dangerous: a 2012 study found that the risk of heart attacks increases 10 percent in the days following springing forward.) You don't want to spend your nights tossing and turning, counting sheep or attempting that calming breathing technique you saw on your fave celebrity's social media account. There's nothing more frustrating than getting to the end of a full day, turning out the light, and hitting the hay, only to stare into space as you attempt to wind down. When you put your head down to get some shuteye, you want to be sleeping.
In order to help you rest free and easy, we gathered five of our favorite tips. If you're one of the 50 to 70 million adults in the United States that the CDC estimates have chronic sleep and wakefulness disorders, or simply someone who wants to get better, more restful sleep in the period around Daylight Savings, follow this advice.
1) Prepare For Daylight Savings
You know it’s coming. It’s right there on the calendar. So consider adjusting your schedule by 15 minutes for the four nights before Daylight Savings. Moving bedtime a little bit each night won’t make it feel like such a crazy shift when the time springs forward. If you’re not that organized, at least consider sticking to a sleep schedule so you’re always in bed at 11 p.m. and up at 6:30 a.m. for example. (Sleep specialists say that this is good advice for all time, not just near changing the clocks.)
2) Work Out, Wind Down
One key to good sleep is being tired, and there’s no better way to make you weary than a good workout. Take advantage of the improving weather and get outside for a walk or a jog. But make sure you finish at least two hours before bedtime in order to give yourself time to come down from any runner’s high. When you’re getting ready for bed, read a book or listen to relaxing music rather than looking at your phone or other blue lights that can stimulate the brain.
3) Go Gravity Blanket
In a recent SleepScore study, Gravity Blanket users felt less stress at bedtime—to the tune of 13 percent less stress—while also being 17 percent more relaxed while trying to fall asleep. As the weather heats up, consider getting a Queen/King Cooling Blanket. The luxurious, therapeutic blanket stretches 90 inches in both directions, large enough to cover the majority of beds, and checks in at a solid 35 pounds. The Queen/King Cooling Blanket pairs the science and design behind original with breathable, moisture-wicking fabric for the coolest, most comfortable sleep. Make those long, hot, sticky nights a thing of the past.
4) Enjoy the Morning
Circadian rhythms rely, at least in part, on natural light, so getting out in the morning will help reset your body naturally. When the alarm goes off, shake out of that sleepy head, throw open the curtains, and let the sunshine stream in. Better yet, go for a 20-minute walk while you sip your coffee to truly help yourself adjust.
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